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Deputy Mayor Betina Beškina participated in Eurocities Cities Social Summit

At the end of last week, city leaders from around 70 cities attended the first ever Eurocities Cities Social Summit to call for a new pact between all levels of EU government to reduce social inequalities, curb homelessness and unemployment growth and foster a just, sustainable and inclusive recovery. At the summit, Tallinn Deputy Mayor Betina Beškina confirmed that Tallinn supports the goals of the European Pillar of Social Rights and is committed to paying additional attention to the social services for the homeless in the coming years.

Tallinn Botanical Garden gets a new visitor centre

The development work of the Tallinn Botanical Garden is in full force, and in the coming years, a new visitor centre will be opened on its premises. Last week, the Tallinn City Property Department signed an agreement with Projektibüroo OÜ for the design of the reconstruction of the administrative building and conservatory located at Kloostrimetsa tee 52.

There are several ways to celebrate Mother's Day in Tallinn

Although it is still restricted to organise events, there are many ways in Tallinn to celebrate a joyful and memorable Mother's Day. Already from tomorrow, May 7, you can listen to web concerts and visit exhibitions; museums, the Zoo and the Botanical Garden are open.

The position of the European Commission allows the Linnahall project to proceed

Relying on the position of the European Commission, Tallinn City Government will shortly launch an action plan on how to proceed with the renovation of the Tallinn Linnahall and its surroundings. The European Commission found in its preliminary state aid assessment that there to be no conflicts between making investments according to the Linnahall business plan and the rules on state aid.