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Expansion planned for Sõle Sports Centre

Tallinn is planning an extension for the Sõle Sports Centre to improve the facility's amenities and ensure the safety of its users. The addition will provide an extra 1,400 square meters of space.

Free public transport extended to NATO military diplomats

Tallinn has expanded the availability of its free public transportation service, previously exclusive to diplomats, to now include members and officials of the foreign armed forces serving with the NATO Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence and the NATO staff element.

Koidu Street architectural competition winner prioritizes local community

Last summer, Tallinn launched a public architectural competition seeking a concept for Koidu Street as both a residential street and the main thoroughfare of the Uue-Maailma district. The winning entry, titled "Kohalik (Local)," was designed by the architects Tristan Krevald, Ra Martin Puhkan, Siim Tanel Tõnisson, and Madis Eek of OÜ Stuudio Täna.

Tallinn waste stations switch to summer hours

Starting April 1, all Tallinn waste treatment plants will switch to their summer schedule. The Pääsküla, Rahumäe, Paljassaare, and Pärnamäe waste treatment plants will be open from 12.00 to 20.00 on weekdays and from 10.00 to 18.00 on weekends starting from the beginning of April.