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The stricter restrictions to limit the spread of the coronavirus will be in force for at least one month

At today’s cabinet meeting, the members of the Government approved the decisions on the basis of which even more wide-ranging restrictions will come into force in Estonia from Thursday, March 11 until April 11. The restrictions will be eased when the spread of the coronavirus in Estonia has been reduced to the level that does not endanger the medical system’s ability to function. Today the government adopted the decisions in principle, the plan is to approve the corresponding order at tomorrow’s extraordinary meeting.

Government to approve support for companies most affected by the COVID-19 restrictions

At the extraordinary meeting, the Government approved the amendment to the 2021–2023 Employment Programme that, in accordance with the proposal of the Council of the Estonian Unemployment Insurance Fund, allows supporting the companies that have suffered the most from the restrictions. At the previous cabinet meeting, it was also decided to support the undertakings of the Ministry of Education and Research and of the Ministry of Culture.

The government imposes extensive restrictions to stop the spread of the coronavirus

In order to stop the spread of the coronavirus, the government decided to make the existing restrictions stricter for catering and commercial establishments, which will enter into force as of Saturday, 6 March. Students who are facing final exams and national exams are allowed to continue partial contact learning as of 15 March. An order on these decisions is planned to be adopted tomorrow. The new restrictions will initially apply until 28 March.

Restrictions on entertainment and catering businesses will be eased as of 1 February 2021

As of 1 February 2021, sales and service venues of catering businesses may be open for on-site customer service from 06.00-21.00. It must be taken into consideration that up to six people are allowed to be in a group and move together, keeping at least two metres between themselves and other customers (families are exempt from this). Selling food to go is allowed outside this time frame.