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Tallinn plans to change public transport fees

The City Government has sent a draft decree to the City Council, which aims to change the fees of Tallinn's public transport from 1 May 2023. Public transport will continue to be free of charge for all residents of Tallinn, the change only concerns hourly fares, short-term season tickets for residents of other municipalities and foreigners, and Aegna ferry tickets.
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Tallinn's participatory budget invites residents to vote  

As of Tuesday, 5,703 residents of Tallinn had participated in the vote on the ideas for Tallinn's 2023 participatory budget, and a sufficient number of residents in Põhja-Tallinn have participated for the results to be considered valid. Residents can view all the ideas and vote for their favorites until 4 December on the website
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Until the end of November, residents can vote for the best athlete and team

All residents of Tallinn have until midnight on 30 November to take part in the selection of the best athlete and team in Tallinn 2022. Residents can vote for their favorites in the following categories: best female athlete, best male athlete, best sports team, best youth athlete and best para-athlete on the website