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Tallinn launches Circular Economy Development Plan 2035

Tallinn City Government has submitted a draft decision to the City Council today, seeking to initiate the preparation of the "Tallinn Circular Economy Development Plan 2035" and concurrently introduce a new field of activity, "Circular Economy," into the "Tallinn 2035" strategy.
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Procedure for allocating municipal housing to be updated

The City Government sent to the City Council today a draft regulation to update the principles of allocating and managing municipal housing, with the primary goal of ensuring that those in greatest need can obtain housing from the city within a reasonable timeframe.
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Tallinn allocates €100,000 for school sports support

The City of Tallinn and the Estonian School Sports Union have entered into a cooperation agreement aimed at enhancing collaboration and supporting and increasing the physical activity of school-aged students. The agreement was signed by Mayor Mihhail Kõlvart and the President of the Estonian School Sports Union, Gerd Kanter.
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Tallinn to build new tramways on Liivalaia Street and to Pelguranna

Tallinn is planning to construct new tramways on Liivalaia Street and along the Pollinator Highway (Putukaväil) leading to Pelguranna. This week, the City Government sent a proposal to the Ministry of Climate for European Union funding to expand the city's tram network. The plan involves adding three kilometers of new tracks.
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Tallinn Athletics Hall reopens after extensive renovations

Today marked the reopening of the Tallinn Athletics Hall, following extensive renovations. The facility now boasts significantly improved conditions for both training and hosting competitions in various sports. In addition to athletics, the hall is equipped to host competitions in judo, wrestling, karate, fencing, shooting, weightlifting, and other sports.