On 1 June, Tallinn public transport system will be adjusted to summer timetable, so the schedules of many bus lines and all tram and trolleybus lines will change.
On Thursday in Männi park, Tallinn Deputy Mayor Vladimir Svet and Deputy Head of Tallinn Urban Environment and Public Works Department Tarmo Sulg presented the concept for planning and constructing the public toilets in urban space, and stressed that the city's priority is to gradually increase the share of permanent toilets.
Tallinn is announcing Klindi Park idea competition to plan the nearly nine-kilometer-long limestone cliff course that runs through the districts of Kesklinn, Lasnamäe and Pirita as a green corridor. Entries can be submitted from May 19th to August 19th 2022.
Tallinn will be participating with entrepreneurs in the H22 City Expo city festival in Helsingborg from 30 May to 2 June, where six of Europe’s most innovative cities will showcase their solutions for sustainable development in the Urban Brilliance exhibition.
The Tallinn City Council recently adopted the Tallinn Waste Management Plan 2022-2026, which aims to expand the separate collection of bio-waste, promote the collection and handling of textile waste, turn waste stations into recycling centres and encourage re-use. Collecting organic waste separately will become compulsory for all properties already in 2023.
On Sunday 22 May, from 12 noon to 3 pm, a free family event will take place on Vabaduse väljak (Freedom Square) to mark 100 years since the start of regular bus services in Tallinn.
The Tallinnovation innovation competition is organised jointly by the city of Tallinn and the Tehnopol Science and Business Park with the aim of finding smart city solutions that will improve the services and the environment of the city for residents and visitors. A record 100,000 euros is available for investment in smart city solutions this year.
At the international technology and start-up conference Latitude59, taking place in Tallinn from today, Tallinn showcases itself as a green global city characterised by sustainable, eco-friendly and balanced development.