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LEIUTAJAD rühma maikuu tegemised!

Maikuu alguses tegutsesid LEIUTAJAD 2 nädalat aktiivselt Facebooki kinnise grupi vahendusel ja jagasid oma muljeid ka Zoomi veebikohtumisel ning viimased 2 nädalat kuu lõpus tegutsesime juba jälle koos oma rühmas.

Tallinn local group for On Board project reunites online after the pandemic

On 19th of May, the Tallinn local group of the URBACT III project “Developing partnerships between educational institutions and communities - On Board” gathered in a Teams meeting to discuss the state of the project and further plans. Each member of the group gave an overview about recent activities within the project and possible adjustments to planned events during the pandemic.