Uus liinivork
Phase II changes to the public transport network by city district:
The renewal of the public transport network is carried out in a phased approach, based on the nature of the changes and Tallinn's strategic objectives as reflected in the development strategy "Tallinn 2035" and the Tallinn Sustainable Urban Mobility Strategy. Phase I took place in August last year. The changes of Phase II will enter into force on 21 October 2024.
Some changes to the public transport network have infrastructure development as a prerequisite (e.g. new stops, interchanges and platforms), which require large financial investments. Other changes can be implemented by optimising the existing public transport network and schedules.
On the one hand, the changes in Phase II aim to improve accessibility between places of residence and places of work and education by reducing travel time and ensuring more convenient connections in areas of high demand. On the other hand, the aim is to adapt public transport services in areas with lower travel demand.
The changes to the public transport network are based on a traffic model of Tallinn's different transport modes, which is based on an extensive data set. This includes population density and demographic data as well as public transport census and traffic data. In addition, the demand of mobile positioning and the origin-destination network of the Tax and Customs Board between people's registered homes and their work and school locations is taken into account. The planning of the new public transport network takes into account studies, feedback from citizens and recommendations from external consultants.
Citizens had the opportunity to express their views and make proposals from 3-20 September before the final decisions were made. In total, nearly 5,000 comments were received from all city districts.