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Estonian Startup Ecosystem Platform has been updated

The Estonian Startup Ecosystem Platform exists to connect like-minded individuals, be they support organizations or startups, and facilitate mutual support and service exchanges. More than just a digital platform, it’s a space for convergence, reflecting Estonia’s unique ecosystem characteristics:
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Robotex International 17-18 November 2023 Unibet Arena

An Estonian-based organization called Robotex organizes Robotex International, the annual robotics festival, which brings together thousands of engineers, executives, students, and families to hear from the leaders of the technology industry, explore new start-ups, build robots and explore the newest technology.

GREENEST SUMMIT 2023 about AI in GreenTech: “Forging a Sustainable Future”

AI has emerged as a driving force behind sustainable solutions. It holds immense potential to revolutionize industries, reshape economies, and mitigate the adverse impacts of climate change. GreenEST Summit 2023 will delve into the synergy between AI and GreenTech, unlocking new possibilities for environmental conservation and sustainable development. Together, let us envision a world where AI and GreenTech work hand in hand to build a future that is not only technologically advanced but also ecologically harmonious.

A new vision for Linnahall area opens the city centre to the sea

The City of Tallinn introduced a new vision for the area surrounding Linnahall today, aiming to initiate a discussion about the future of the area. Following public discussions, there are plans to proceed with detailed planning and to involve investors for the implementation of the proposed design. The area is planned for public and commercial buildings. The concept involves either a complete reconstruction of Linnahall or the construction of a new building.
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24 green label marked restaurants participate in Tallinn Restaurant Week

Tallinn Restaurant Week starts tomorrow, with 81 restaurants offering culinary delights from November 1 to 7. In collaboration with Tallinn, criteria have been established allowing restaurants to choose a dish from their à la carte menu that meets one of the set criteria and mark it with the green label. This initiative has been joined for the first time by 24 restaurants.

GreenTech Week. Be part of the future city

In addition to being the European green capital, Tallinn will also be the capital of green technology of the world in November 13-17. The most innovative ideas from Europe, Asia and the United States will be hosted within the framework of the international technology event NEXPO Tallinn.