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Tall Ships Races opens additional round for sail training applications

This summer, for the first time, Tallinn will host the world's largest international sail training regatta, Tall Ships Races 2024, offering young people aged 15–25 the opportunity to participate in a sail training program. Due to high interest and the unique opportunity, organizers have opened a new round for young people to apply to become sail trainees.

Expansion planned for Sõle Sports Centre

Tallinn is planning an extension for the Sõle Sports Centre to improve the facility's amenities and ensure the safety of its users. The addition will provide an extra 1,400 square meters of space.

Tallinn rewards athlete Johannes Erm and his coach

The Tallinn City Government has allocated €2,000 from the reserve fund to the Tallinn Culture & Sports Department to support and acknowledge the achievements of Johannes Erm and his coach, Holger Peel, at the World Athletics Indoor Championships in Glasgow.
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Tallinn to host 95 high-level international sports events this year

This year, Tallinn is set to host and support 95 high-level international sports events, including 16 European Championships and stages of world and European cup competitions. The city will provide a total of 645,000 euros in support for the organization of these international sporting events.
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Tallinn Athletics Hall reopens after extensive renovations

Today marked the reopening of the Tallinn Athletics Hall, following extensive renovations. The facility now boasts significantly improved conditions for both training and hosting competitions in various sports. In addition to athletics, the hall is equipped to host competitions in judo, wrestling, karate, fencing, shooting, weightlifting, and other sports.
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Tallinn set to host 2025 International Children's Games

Tallinn has been selected as the host city for the 2025 International Children's Games that takes place under the auspices of the International Olympic Committee. Last week, Igor Topole, President of the International Children’s Games, and Secretary General Hugh Waters, visited Tallinn to inspect its sports infrastructure and met with city leaders to discuss the details of organizing the event.

New season at Tallinn's ice rinks proves popular

Since opening in mid-November, Tallinn's ice rinks have already welcomed over 20,000 visitors within three weeks. Everyone is welcome to enjoy the winter season at Tallinn's ice rinks – local schools can organize free skating sessions, and seniors have special times set aside for complimentary visits.
Tall Ship Races Tallinn 2024

Tall Ships Races 2024 in Tallinn awaits hundreds of volunteers

From July 11-14, 2024, Tallinn is hosting Europe’s largest sail training ship regatta, the Tall Ships Races, bringing nearly 50 large sailing ships to three of the city's harbors. In preparation for this major summer event, the city invites applications for volunteer positions at the Tall Ships Races.