3. aprillil Patendiameti tasuta seminar "Kuidas kaitsta oma leiutist?" toimub Patendiameti õppeklassis Toompuiestee 7, Tallinn algusega kell 9.20-13.00
Uuring: Enamik Eesti õpilastest usub õiglase kaubanduse süsteemi Äsja valminud õiglase kaubanduse teadlikkuse uuring Eesti kooliõpilaste seas kinnitab...
The draft Order of the Tallinn City Government authorises the Defence Forces to hold a parade celebrating the 101st anniversary of the Republic of Estonia and sets out the traffic arrangements for 23 and 24 February 2014 applicable to Toompea, Vabaduse väljak and the surrounding streets. The Defence Forces are relieved from the road and street closure tax and any expenses related to rerouting public transport as well as any parking fees. Further, the draft Order sets out the traffic arrangements applicable during the open air concert “Aja mustrid” (“Patterns of time”) held on Islandi väljak on 24 February 2019.